
Project Update – April 2021

Design, procurement and financing activities continue on the Mt Cass Wind Farm project.

The project team are working hard to get the project to financial close in the middle of this year, with construction planned to get underway towards the end of 2021.

In addition to the above workstreams, the team have been working on ecological projects at Mt Cass to prepare the site for development (once we have confirmation to continue).

Lizard relocation results

Earlier this month, we completed a significant project to relocate two species of lizard that live within the construction footprint of the wind farm’s turbine and roading areas.

For the past 12 months, we have been working on a project with DoC, landowners and lizard experts to capture Waitaha geckos and Southern Grass Skinks from the construction areas and relocate them to a new pest-controlled habitat elsewhere on Mt Cass.

In addition to the lizard relocation project, the Wind Farm and access roading have been designed to avoid significant wildlife and plant habitats.

In total, 107 lizards were relocated, including 101 Waitaha geckos and six Southern Grass Skinks. No other species were detected.

To find out more about the lizard relocation project, click here.

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Pictured: A Waitaha gecko at Mt Cass. Photo provided by RMA Ecology.

Community engagement

Recently, Mt Cass Wind Farm Project Director, Scott Bennett was invited to speak at the Glenmark Rural Women’s Group.

Scott updated the audience on the Wind Farm project achievements to date and the next steps, as well as taking questions from the group.

Closer to the time of construction getting underway we will be hosting community meetings around the region. When the dates are available, we will send an email to our subscribers and advertise the events locally – stay tuned.


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